Based in Adelaide, the Samoyed Club is dedicated to promoting the breed, supporting members, providing advice and disseminating information about events and issues of interest.
What we do and love
Passionate about Samoyeds, we hold a Championship breed specialty show each year, together with several social events, and support members involved in a range of activities including:
-Dog Shows
-Sled Dog Racing
-Weight Pull
-Pack Hiking

- To promote and improve the breed, and to promote public interest in the Samoyed
- To educate and encourage members, breeders, exhibitors and judges to abide by the requirements of and standards for the Samoyed breed
- To promote and support competition in all practical ways and to hold exhibitions
- To promote good fellowship among those interested in the Samoyed breed

New Lifetime Members
Congratulations to our new Life Time Members! A big thank you for al your efforts and contributions to the club through your many years of serving the Samoyed community of South Australia!
South Australian Championship Show is back!
We are pleased to announce that Mrs Margaret Courtney-Reid (South Australia) will be our judge at our Speciality Show for 2021! After the uneventful, eventful events of 2020, our South Australian Championship Show is back! Held as part of the Dogs SA Advance Winter Festival on Saturday 5th June 2021. We look forward to seeing …
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